There is this car that is going down hill, it knows that there is a huge gap up ahead. The car can feel the road caving into it. The car tries to slow down, it hits the hand breaks but no use the hill is covered with ice so it’s too slippery. The road is thin with no sidebars, so the car has to be careful when it breaks or it will fall off the hill just to avoid the gap. What does the car do. Jump the gap on prayer and a revved up engine.
So what does it take to jump the gap –
Special fuel aka a miracle > well there is no gas station nearby and the breaks don’t work.
Incredible driving skills aka good judgment > this seems to be the only option.
Jumping the gap would mean that speed needs to be increased which in turn would imply that the car would approach the gap faster. The faster the car goes, lesser is the margin of error. The car needs some kind of ramp so it jumps up. A slight elevation, medium elevation or just plain huge. So the following are the options:
Slight elevation aka driving into another similar job.
Medium elevation aka an MBA and drive into another similar job but big brand name and bigger salary.
Simply huge aka drive into a very different job, pay might be half and lets not talk about the brand name.
On the other hand if the car does nothing it will fall in the gap anyhow.