Friday, October 3, 2014

Empty Ramblings

They say our lives are a sum of our decisions. If you choose to turn left instead of right, do economics instead of MBA, work instead of PHD, stay single instead of getting married. If our lives are  a sum of our decisions then I am scared if I am making the right choices.

My life choices have led me to a cud-de-sac, I spent a portion of my day today thinking how I can get myself out. Maybe its not just the job but everything needs an overhaul... an internal makeover. Maybe the thing missing in my life is a sense of purpose. I always seem to be ready to work hard even if its not really needed.

I literally draw happiness from the smallest things.. I single event can keep me amused for the whole day. It might sound like a good thing but is it.

I have reached a point that if I get worked-up about something I am thinking this will keep me occupied for a while now.

I think my life has too much empty space and I am filling it with insignificance. On the one hand I don't want life to come and take my empty space and fill it with the troubles of life. I don't want worries and unpredictability to occupy the corners. I don't want the centre space to be taken up by events beyond my control. So on one hand I am grateful to have this space, this emptiness and this opportunity to focus on the mundane. But on the other hand I would like to find a purpose to my life. To getup thinking, I want to do this for the rest of my life.