Monday, May 30, 2011

Randy Pausch - Achieving your childhood dreams

When we are small little kids and people ask what do you want to be? and most say - doctor, engineer, painter, tennis player, cricketer, scientist, managing director (yes that was me), etc etc. Not one says economists! I cant remember a single kid say that. I guess because you read about science, u see tennis players and cricketers play, you see buildings, bridges and in my case I saw my dad's business card on which it was written MD. Economics on the other hand is more virtual, you cant see the product of the economist. Plus the chances of still doing a job related to economics are slim, even after doing a course, so its less likely that one of your parents have it written on their business card 'Economist'. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a tennis payer and then as I got older I wanted to be a movie director. I have already won 10 bathroom Oscars, no baftas yet though:). There is this talk by Randy Pausch about achieving your childhood dreams ( I listen to this when I am sulking in office, it's not had a life changing impact on me as other people, but for hour plus I feel stronger, hearing a strong nice person. He was a professor of computer science and human - computer interaction at Carnegie Mellon University. He talks about achieving your childhood dreams and his dreams are smaller specific things like being is zero gravity, Joining the NFL etc. Its not a blanket question of what you want to be, instead its what you dream about. Whenever I hear this talk i get something new out of it, like right now when I heard it he said if no one is criticising you when you are doing a bad job, that's a bad place to be. That means they have given-up on you. I am there right now and didn't even realise it.

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