Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ceremony of love

More of the same. For some reason that’s the first thing that comes to my mind when I look back at the wedding I attended. It was ornate, beautifully presented. There were a few moments which did tug your heart strings, but the rest seemed like a merger of two companies. The balance sheets were matched, the sectors were matched, and the brands were match. They just forgot to match the heart.

Even in the case of a love marriage, all the above is done subconsciously, in a way it’s swept under the carpet. Love is not that simple, most of the time its two people with similar aspirations coming together. They just happen to want to spend the rest of their lives with each other too.

It’s not right for me to judge, as I could not feel the emotions, as it was not my sister who got married. I saw the painting but never saw it getting created. All the details were lost to me.

It felt as if I was seeing something I knew was beautiful, everyone around me said it was, but it somehow was lost on me. I could see the sea but couldn’t feel the cool breeze, neither could I smell nor hear it.

Growing up feels like being thirsty all the time, doesn’t matter what setting you are in, you always feel like you need something constantly. Your skin is always dry, rough. Even the air you breathe seems harsh. The stories are never complete and always left to further interpretation.

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