Saturday, May 4, 2013


My family specializes in predicting the future, aka astrology. I don't remember a single prediction come true, except one. That is a success rate of one in thousands and thousands of predictions. I do believe we have to go through a certain set of events. Many things are out of our control, sickness, external factors over which we have no control. But I am slowly coming to the conclusion, that there is no point in knowing the future, especially if the prediction method is flawed. And to add to this what is the point, of knowing your life is going to be hell a year from now, why ruin this year. Its like doctors telling you that you have six months of good health left. Sometimes mysteries are good for us, the idea that anything is still possible, just the idea is so important for personal happiness. Why rob someone of that, why remove the element of anything is possible.

Possibilities, now that is something to be preserved, what we will go through, we have to, but its better if the possibilities are still alive. And please don't self sabotage yourself, there are enough other people to do it for you, don't add yourself to that list. Be your best friend, because we need all the help we can get. Be in your corner and punch life in the face!

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