Saturday, November 10, 2012


I temporarily deactivated my Facebook a couple of weeks back. This is not the first time, this is the third time I have deactivated it. But this is the first time I am free from the need to check Facebook, Check who is doing what, who is saying what, who is looking beautiful, who is looking worse. End of all the nonsense. In the olden days, if I wanted to gossip, I would seek that information, for which I needed to talk to another human being. But now all I need to do is checkout someones page where they put up pictures of what they did, where they went, with who. Personal moments became public moments, validated by 100s of likes. You don't even need to talk to another person. Every time I checked my mail, Facebook said I missed some happening story, every time I logged in, it asked me what's on my mind. The funniest part is every time you deactivate your account, Facebook asks you why and suggests a website that will help you. A website to help you deal with your problem of spending too much time on Facebook. It tells you five randomly chosen people who will miss you. Sometimes it will choose someone I liked in the past and I use to wonder, does Facebook know. Sometimes I didn't really care for those five people who will miss me. I now have the phone numbers of the people I want to keep in touch with and who will hopefully miss me when I am really gone. Today, at this very moment I felt less cluttered, more in control of the information I was getting about someone, more in control of the information I was letting out about me. My mind is at ease, I don't know what is happening in other peoples lives, I don't want to know. My own life is hard enough. I do agree it is a great site to keep in touch and reconnect with people in your past, but I don't really think we where were meant to know so much more about that person's life. Everyone's life, doesn't matter how boring, is a personal journey, what is happening in someone's else's journey really shouldn't be a part of our own. Its like driving on the road, you were not meant to keep an eye on what is happening on a parallel road, you will crash otherwise.

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