Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Families are like time bombs.... like a highly inflammable mix just waiting to explode. A small shirt, vegetables, crank call... anything can trigger the deepest emotions. Money seems to be the most effective catalyst, to bring out remarks which should be swept under the table, out in the open. The concept of pleasant conversation is fleeting. But families are also resilient, the good ones that is. They bounce back from emotional trench into the plateau of pleasantness. They go from "I should throw them out" to "Did you shit today", in a matter of a few hours. The most important systems in nature are dynamic from the centre of the sun to the weather cycles on planets. Explosions seem to be a part and parcel of life. Inactivity is the sign of the dead, be it people or chunks of rock. What I don't understand is why? Is it to make our lives interesting? It is boring if everything is always pleasant. We keep testing the strength of the bonds between us, pushing each to our individual limits. Maybe this is the only way to find out what you have is strong or not. Someone had to have rubbed that diamond against all the possible materials to see who gets scratched first.

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