Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Getting married, not married yet, staying married!!!! so much pressure and all for what. Why is it that mothers think that getting married is more important than "who" are you getting married to! How does marriage guarantee anything. Does it guarantee protection - NO, most rapes are done by monsters known to the victim. Does it guarantee lifetime of companionship - NO, get diagnosed with a horrible disease and see you better half disappearing. Does it guarantee no more loneliness - NO, people can feel lonely in a crowd and not feel lonely when they are alone by themselves. What does marriage guarantee: good times when things are going smoothly - Maybe, but then what is a point. What is a point of seeing your kid as a failure based on a future event which may or may not result in happiness. What is the point. And pray please tell me, when the hell did being independent and self sufficient become a bad thing!

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